and broken web services
Once more I need to buy stuff online, now I wanted to buy a train ticket online as I am afraid the discounted price will be gone once I am at the trainstation…
Once more I need to buy stuff online, now I wanted to buy a train ticket online as I am afraid the discounted price will be gone once I am at the trainstation…
Is there someone that can provide me with a trace with Cell Broadcast Services on the Abis link? I am not really figuring out what should be provided to the BTS… I assume that the nanoBTS takes care of scheduling the message and one provides one big message instead of the four separate things?
Like many others I was at the DevDays. I happened to be in Munich for GSM related things but managed to attend half a day on Monday and half on Tuesday. I was very happy to reconnect with friends from Australia, Oslo, Brazil and the US and I am always impressed by the team that the Qt unit has recruited and still manages to recruit. Creating awesome technology is just the consequence of that and as written in earlier posts, Qt Quick is great and the Qt Creator integration is getting good as well.
I was spending some time the other day looking at Qi Hardwares’ latest project Milkymist One. It is a SoC with the mico32 core (CPU). The mico32 is a free Soft Processor that runs on various FBGAs.
I am almost back from a trip to iceland, I was fortunate enough to focus exclusively on GSM. In the last week I have continued to build osmo-bsc (a true BSC based on code from the on-waves/bsc-master) branch, I have worked on the NAT to make the IMSI filtering more useful and to add (hardware) transcoding to the MGCP MGW. The NAT changes are already in production, the transcoding will follow soon.
For my current QML project I am required to embed video “into” the QDeclarativeView. I think the proper way will be to use the Qt Multimedia package that comes with a QML VideoView but for this project the customer wanted to use a specific proprietary media player (I wish I could call names).
I was wondering how and if IMSI Catchers can be detected and how much work it would be to support that in OsmocomBB. The only problem is that I have not seen any IMSI Catchers, have not written one and have read too little about it.
I was writing about my current QML project earlier and now was the time to go from dummy data to real ones. For the prototyping phase we were using models created with ListModel and the attributes we need in the UI. For some JavaScript code that is called to execute actions we were using ListModel.get(index) to get the item and then execute code.