Random impressions
While I’m too busy to do real Free Software and OpenSource work I just wanted to break the silence and to blog again. First of all o-hand just released a nice OpenGL based canvas and from blogs I have read it was already used at GUADEC to do the presenations. I’m really looking forward to see some more offline videos from the GUADEC…
The only news directly impacting OpenEmbedded is the announcement of transition to monotone 0.27, which was finally released earlier last week. We have monotone 0.27 compiled and running on our main repository, a test conversion of the metadata (rosterify) took about 11 hours. We need to complete some scripts to verify that the migration went smooth… Well this will happen the following month.
I have bought one of the last copies of “Free As in Freedom” and I hope to find an answer to the question if RMS is doing OpenSource or not ;)… this broke the silence now I will focus on the stuff I need to complete