A busy week, LinuxTag review

A busy week, LinuxTag review

This week started with a national and I probably was busy studying for my upcoming math exams. Tuesday was just a normal day and the evening was mostly spent communicating and finishing our assignment which consisted out of reviewing questions of a survey.

On wednesday the LinuxTag started and Doku and me met Knut and went out to have a dinner. Trolltech shared a booth with KDAB and my old friends from ROAD. Their device looks promising and the chasing and the software improved even more and I hope this device will finally hit the market.
On Friday I was glad to meet tronical, woglinde, björn, doku, mickey, stefan, jan, daniel, an old friend from school, ph5, harald welte, uli, robert, ellen, florian, rob taylor. Looking at this rather large list I’m somehow impressed how many people I know nowadays and what a privilege it is to get to know well known ones like harald and ellen.

At the evening we were invited by Trolltech to have a dinner, the talk and the food was awesome but I had to leave early to combat the fuses in this house to gain electricity. I’m sad I have missed the oppurtunity to talk with tronical and ellen in-depth but both of them won’t run away.

This day was started early with waking up mickeyl too early (I’m sorry), handing over my greenphone to florian to have a look at the serial line, hacking on standards of the OpenMobileAlliance. In the evening Mickey, Stefan, Jan and Harald came to visit us and we caught some mexican food and went off to a bar. We had to walk less this time (I enjoy walking…) and I think the bar we ended up was quite nice and I hope you have enjoyed it.

And I have been thinking and ordering thoughts for the last two days and I wonder what I will respond…. Bye visitors and hope you will crash in Berlin again soon!

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