State of the Bindings

State of the Bindings

So yesterday evening and today afternoon was an unscheduled OpenMoko hacking day. To confirm that I can commit to the repository of the OpenMoko bindings project I checked in the rather old version of the bindings. Then I started to make them compile again, decided to remove cruft from OpenMoko libraries, fixed all warnings to make openmokoui compile with -Wall and -Werror and refactored libmokojournal to make it more easily bindable. I hope mickey will be able to review this patch or at least forward it to the o-hand guys.

I updated the Python bindings to include libmokogsmd and libmokoui and to be rather complete but untested. Today I tested that the modules can at least be imported which leads to fun stuff like.
import openmokogsmd
gsm = openmokogsmd.GsmdConnection()
gsm.voice_call(“some number”)

and stuff like
import openmokoui
banner = openmokoui.moko_banner_get_instance()
banner.show_text(“Bla”, 5)

The next step will be to write examples/tests to make sure that what is there can be used, add some overrides to map … parameters of C to Python and improve the API. Another thing that sounds like fun would be to write a OpenMoko API fuzzer in Python that calls methods with invalid parameter (e.g. None) where a GtkWidget is expected and record crashes.

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