QtWebKit, Illume and Diversity
I’m writing this on one of these roundtrips when waiting for the Qtopia buildsystem to finish. I changed the mediaengine from helix to gstreamer, this means in one library another implementation gets compiled and the library is linked, maybe the other part of Qtopia needs relinking after it and that would be fine. The truth is, I switch the engine now configure of Qt desktop, Qt target and Qtopia is ran and I’m compiling Qt for the desktop, Qt for the desktop and the Qtopia libraries and applications from scratch. If anyone knows how to stop these stupidity and get me acceptable roundtrips times for such minor changes please comment.
To everyone that say QWebKit, the Qt WebKit integration is called QtWebKit and please use that when referring to this module. As communication is done by blogs these days I have seen this workaround. If you experience a crash on exit with QWebView, please tell us, there is no need to add a workaround to your application, Qt4.4 is not final. So please write a small application that is crashing on exit and the Qt WebKit inside and outside of Trolltech will take a look and fix it. What did you make believe this is an bug in amarok and is needing fixing there? The cool thing with the Free Software world is you can fix the stuff where it has to be fixed and we should utilize this, so please show us the problem.
Urs, I’m glad you had a go at the QtWebKit KPart and yes QNetworkInterface is not present if you compile QtWebKit with Qt4.4. You want to look into the QNetworkManager and provide an implementation using KIO. If you need any help, I’m here to help and I’m sure Simon and thiago will help you too.
raster left taipei yesterday, he is probably packing and leaving to the bossa conference soon, he has been busy working on illume, our window manager module for the GTA02/Freerunner, tick has created a project for our EFL based installer application (using PackageKit) and last, but certainly not the least application we are going to develop in our GForge is diversity. This application is combining GPS, GeoClue, Jabber, your Journal with each other and providing a bling-bling interface using EFL. When walking around in a foreign city you can see where you friends are, were, where they haven taken their cool pictures that you have seen on flickr, get routing with OpenStreetmap to find your way, see people with the same interests as you, take a city tour people like you have enjoyed, let your Freerunner guide you through the city, go sight-seeing or just chat with your relatives back home (and certainly be able to control your privacy). I hope we will have some more videos up in the next couple of weeks.
I have been enjoying my time in Taipei, I’m definitely coming back soon and if we work hard Openmoko can have a bright future, we can start a Software Industry in Taiwan solely based around the concepts of Freedom and Free Software, this is really exciting!