Back from the DevDays
Like many others I was at the DevDays. I happened to be in Munich for GSM related things but managed to attend half a day on Monday and half on Tuesday. I was very happy to reconnect with friends from Australia, Oslo, Brazil and the US and I am always impressed by the team that the Qt unit has recruited and still manages to recruit. Creating awesome technology is just the consequence of that and as written in earlier posts, Qt Quick is great and the Qt Creator integration is getting good as well.
While still having your attention. Is there any interest in low-level GSM stuff in the KDE Community? The OsmocomBB project is close to make phone calls in a commercial GSM network and we could use a simple GUI running on a Linux host OpenBSC on the other hand is the swiss-army-knife of a GSM network and ideal for tests. E.g. testing emergency calls, security research, generating stuff that is difficult on a commercial network, do prototypes…
And on a private note… I am back to Berlin…