and broken web services
Once more I need to buy stuff online, now I wanted to buy a train ticket online as I am afraid the discounted price will be gone once I am at the trainstation…
The payment option I want to use is only available when you are registered, so I registered, using a ‘+’ in my email address and then it didn’t work. I assumed like many shitty websites they believe a ‘+’ is not a valid sign in an email.. in this case my account name was taken. Then they tell me that under “My Train” I can register my bank details, well they don’t provide a Link to that page… so I had to spend time searching it. Then I say I want to enter my bank details and after three pages in their dialog it fails because apparently it thinks it already has my bank details… well… no… I believe this error is due me not having registered my bahncard, so I tried to register my bahncard but it requires a pin code that they will now send me by snail mail…
Why do companies always hire the most crappy web porgrammers on this planet? Why do they invest more money to make stuff go wrong, than to just make it work. Another example is the train search and going back… if they would use a Web Framework like Seaside it would remember my source and destination, my bahncard details.. etc. Why is paying for a bad website? Maybe they should hire experts, it can’t be more expensive than these companies hiring idiots….