Hybrid Application Example with QtWebKit
In general one of the fascinating aspects of WebKit is the focus on just being a Web Content Engine as it can be seen in the Project Goals. One of the results is that one can easily build a Web Browser around it, or embed it into a Mail Client, a Chat Client, or into your application to handle payment in amazon, display Wikipedia or similiar things.
On the other hand it is possible to embed native widgets into the Web Content using WebKit/GTK+ and QtWebKit, or use the JavaScript Engine API to bind native objects into the JavaScript world. I have started using the moiji-mobile.com name to push WebKit usage for these kind of hybrid applications. I am going to create examples showing how to create applications using QtWebKit, how to deploy them on real hardware, howto handle content development on mobile devices and more.
The first part of this series is a simple example of what could be a SIP based desk telephone using QtWebKit and native technology. In this example I am embedding QObjects to provide information normally not available in the Web, I embed a QWebView inside the content to provide a browser and I am painting on top of the HTML content from the QWebView to provide touch feedback and the code can be found in my git repository.