Android and Java
I am now playing with the Android UI/Java Code and right now I have something really really simple to do. Over time I have a bunch of URIs to GET or POST and after it is done I want to have the status and the data. On top of that it should not block the UI thread. Android is using the HttpComponents of the apache project. The good thing about it is that Google was not reinventing the wheel, the bad thing is that the code is Java. So I will need to write 200 lines of code to setup a threadsafe ConnectionManager and a HttpClient on top of that and then I need to write my own thread pool… Which is bringing one back to the main complain about Java, it is an overengineered system…
But in general I think the Android UI classes are very promising, yesterday I implemented the preferences for my application and it is really really easy, better than anything i have dealt with before. One needs to create a xml/preferences.xml, one can use “categories” and each category can have different preference items, even custom ones. The system will automatically create the view for that (like with the most xml documents for Android) and it will take care of saving/loading the settings.