DVB-H with a Nokia SU-33W
Dear Free Software loving Nokia,
first of all congratulation for acquiring Trolltech. You have gained a great team of highly motivated and passionate people. Many from us in the Free Software and OpenSource community care a lot for Trolltech. Recently I have acquired something as well, the money was not enough for all of Nokia so I started with getting a Nokia SU-33W. This is a bluetooth based DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcast for Handhelds) receiver.
While I know a lot about mpeg transport stream, multiprotocol encapsulation (MPE), FLUTE, OMA BCAST, RTP, h264 and have seen quite some DVB-H/DVB-T chips, I’m unable to make any use of my acquisition because the bluetooth protocol (directly on top of L2CAP) used is not documented.
Please give me access to the protocol specification to allow me writing a Free Software driver for your bluetooth device as I would like to watch TV with a HTML5 Video Element inside a QtWebKit KPart.