Looking back at Guademy

Looking back at Guademy

I have attended Guademy 2008 in the beautiful city of Valencia this year and presented a talk on WebKit and the Qt integration, produced some demos showing to embed QWidgets and QObjects into the QWebPage and how to interact with it, my other talk was a look at Qt 4.4. While preparing the slides I was in a constant wow mode. It is incredible what the Trolls added to Qt 4.4. It was probably a bit too much but it highlights what a team of excellent programmers can achieve when they focus on a common goal. Qt developers keep on rocking!

It was nice to catch up with some of my fellow KDE developers, see some GNOME developers, talk with local developers. I think events like the Guadec are really helpful, not only you can catch up with developers from your village, but also to see people from other villages and projects and discuss and get inspired. It inspired me to give KDE4 a try, fix some bugs, write a mail (which is still in the moderation queue) to kde-devel on KNumInput.

So whatever you want to develop Guademy into for the following years, make sure to keep it a place where people from the different desktop and non-desktop Opensource and Free Software projects can come together and talk to each other. There are things GNOME can learn from us, there are things we can learn and should learn from GNOME. I sincerly believe that whatever makes GNOME and KDE different we have more in common than what separates us.

So thanks a lot for organizing Guademy, your hospitality and see you next year.

PS: Because Jos asked, blogger.com works in the demo browser, this post is created with it.

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