Inspecting the Web
WebKit offers two neat tools for web developers. This is Drosera a JavaScript debugger and the Web Inspector. Some weeks ago I wanted to find out how hard it would be to enable the WebInspector for the WebKit/Qt port and it is really easy. Almost everything of the Web Inspector is portable code, ready to use by the available ports. So everything one has to do is to implement the InspectorClient clas which accounts for a couple of hundred lines of C++ code and you are done. The code can be found in this git branch and this going to be merged to qtwebkit and trunk once we have sorted out #15938.
In the below screenshot you can see the WebKit/Qt and WebKit/Mac Web Inspector next to each other. You can spot some errors on this screenshot, e.g. the WebKit/Qt port doesn’t render search menus yet and when using it you can see some other issues in the drawing and networking code. So the Web Inspector makes a perfect test tool as well.