presents, presents, presents
So yesterday was my birthday and I received plenty of presents. Well I did not ask for any but got a lot of them. I’m the proud owner of the Probot Music CD, various Design and Implementation of the XXXBSD Operating System (4.3,4.4,FreeBSD), finally I’m a owner of “Peopleware” and some old Monty Python tapes/DVDs.
My comrades in the office gave a pair of slippers, so my socks don’t get as dirty, and a pair of gloves. Also I got the ingreidents to create a Hurricane cocktail *delicious*.
I was a bit bored so I wanted to read/scan this perl book we have in our shelf, I did not get past the foreward by Larry Wall. This made me once again aware of why I do these weird things under the name of Free Software. It is obvious that one enjoys working with the elite and other highly skilled people but there is more to it. As Larry said in his foreword I want to give something back to society and I believe technology can change society so I try to create longlasting free and public technology that can help the society to progress.
Well I need to reevaluate this statement in twenty years and see if we have achieved any progress.