UMPC, MickeySoft has just no taste
I’m exposed to an UMPC for two days and I really hate it. I wonder how companies can sell such things. Not even a freshly liberated, booted from haret, PDA running feels that crappy.
The list of annoying things is so long and it is getting longer by second. You can not use most of the installed applications as they failed to make keyboard input working, the hardware cursors keys are not rotated when you rotate the display, dual display and touchscreen input is ridicioulously broken. If your UMPC screen is monitor 2 and you use the touchscreen you can only control the first screen. The touchscreen is not working if you switch the rotation, you end up with an offset of 10 cm from you wanted to click and where MS thinks you clicked…. It is so broken, it is so Windows.
So I have to congratulate Microsoft for bringing the windows feeling to a portable device, well done! Oh yes, I’m really annoyed.