Findings of a night
This week I was introduced to the mini bar and enjoyed talking.
PyPy vs. smalltalk. Okay in contrast to my prior believe something PyPy is not that new. smalltalk to slang looks conceptually similiar to python and RPython. And smalltalk is implemented in smalltalk just like PyPy in python and there is a tool to create C code from the smalltalk image effectively creating the SmallTalk VM.
I should look more often into design patterns. With the new BitBake parser we build an AbstractSyntaxTree and want to evaluate it. Possible evaluations are a DOT directed graph (tree/forest), a classical dictionary or something I do not forsee, or another operation on the AST. What I created was a mixing class ASTAssigment(ASTNode,eval_factory(type.Assignment)) and this factory made sure to define an eval method. But this is completely wrong. First of all one would like to have a trait because the eval method should not modify the Tree but just evaluate. And second there is a nice pattern already it is called Visitor Pattern and basicly this is what I want. I want to visit each Node of my tree and evaluate in some way. I really should look into design patterns more often.
On a personal note I found out to have had jingoistic behaviour in the past. Note to self, do not call your future girlfriend anti-social because she uses hotmail, msn and windows and doesn’t recognize she gives up her freedom this way don’t talk with her or cope with it but don’t be jingoistic in forcing her to look into Free Software.
Emily-Style: “Get Lost, I won’t fix your computer”