Hello Moko, The Future is Open
Wow, what a day. Today was the “Conference on open-source mobile phones mobilizes”. And OpenMoko here and here was announced. Also the OpenMoko.orgwebsite lacks the glamour of the usual announcements it has something true geeks will love. It has Web SVN, and yes it contains the source for all these things they announced and even datasheets. To use a sentence the Qt Community Manager uses a lot. FIC and OpenMoko.org just get it. They know what geeks like and need. It is a Open Platform, build by people that care about Free Software. I think both Harald Welte and Mickey have a track record in understanding Free Software. Hey guys this is so great and it really helps Free Software, Linux and Gtk+ to move forward. This device and software is built with Free Software in mind this means they are GPL conform from day one, no hassle to wait weeks or month for the sourcecode of your toolchain, kernel just to fix a bug. This really makes a huge difference. Keep on rocking and I owe you Club Mate, alcoholic beverage!
I think OpenMoko is unmatched among all Linux Mobile platforms movements because it is build from community members and Free Software enthusiasts. And they focus on the important bits creating a platform and providing the basic set of applications and hopefully they will follow the release early and release often scheme! Let us make Free Software go forward!