TinderBox Issues and Workaround

TinderBox Issues and Workaround

Tinderbox issues and possible workarounds:

Error: Permission Errors
Solution: Yeah tinderbox needs to be owned by one user. This can put one into troubles but looks like the right thing to do.

Error: Spaces, Slashes(/) and others
Solution: Do not put these signs in the VC_Tree, buildtree, buildname. If you do not follow this rules you will recieve weird errors about not being able to move files or not able to process mails.

Error: startime: 0 and tinder.cgi
Solution: sending tinderbox: starttime: 0 to a tinderbox looks like a denial of service attack. tinder.cgi sees the invalid starttime and stops processing. This means all reports after the one will not be processed and status.html will not be updatet…

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